Friday 28 July 2017

Kerala High Court's interim order, directing Indian Athletic Federation and the Union Health Ministryto  get P.U.Chithra enrolled into the  World Athletic Champion ship Meet at London, comes as a relief and joy to all who love  sports and  believe in  the Rule of Law in the Country. There is no scope for any eyewash on the injustice done to this humble poor girl, who  reached the level of  Asian Champion in 1500 Mtrs. The  manipulations, exploitations and favouritism  prevailing in the realm of  Sports in  India is a disgraceful injustice, which needs to be  investigated urgently and rectified effectively.

The Hon'ble High Court of Kerala deserves deep appreciation for acting so swift and sharp to restore justice to this athlete with no God father or support from  authorities in Sports Administration.
However, there is a possibility that the Court Order may not fructfy, and P U Chithra may not get  enrolled in the London meet, on ground of expiry of time for enrollment or  some other technical grounds.

If this happens, it is a MAJOR MISFORTUNE not only for the individual athlete, but the whole country. With time frames and deadlines  slated so narrowly, it is an ongoing ploy to eliminate any corrective intervention in team selection, including judicial ones. It amounts to  a travesty of Justice
by denying  natural justice and human right of the candidate, subjected to this injustice.
If P.U.Chithra can not be  enrolled and taken to participate in the London meet, despite the Court Order, it is fair and just that she is paid  a compensation of Rs.  Two Crores,( equal to the reward paid to each individual cricketeer after the recent win).

 .Hope the High Court will lookinto this aspect, to uphold rule of Law and extend justice to this  excellant, unfortunate athlette, who  is the victim of  callousness and conspiracy in selection process.


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