Monday 21 August 2017

The ugly mess in medical admissions this year should be corrected with sense and insight. The academic justice in admissions
Brought in by Supreme Court is a precious . Milestone in Medical Education. But it has to be complemented by financial justice. Students with high NEET Rank should be granted a lower fee, and through an rank-based incremental fee necessary funds for running private medical colleges  anbe raised.
I submitted a workable propoസാല്  for such a fee structure to the Health Department, Fee Regulatory Committee.
No one seems to have read it leave alone given it a due consideration.
My physical and fiscal circumstances do not per filing a  PIL, which is badly needed.
Let some wisdom prevail on the administrators and the least to the extent of considering suggestions from medical teachers, who spent several decades in tea hing.
Dr Kumar. K. A
Former Director of Medical Education Kerala

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