Wednesday 23 August 2017

The day, 22nd August 2017 deserves to be hailed as a golden day in the history of Indian Democracy.

Run  on the strength and substrate of a Constitution, that presents and prescribes the Nation as a SECULAR REPUBLIC, the opportunistic political system and a complacent Judiciary permitted,. rather even sustained an absurd anti-human provision of MUTHALAQ, to subdue and suppress our Muslim sisters. The sinister aspect of this draconian civil provision may not be apparent well and appreciated much by those of us living in Kerala. It has always been a pestering painful thought, how come such a anti-human facilty can co-exist, along with our secular rhetoric, for all right-thinking Indians..

The five muslim sisters and  an organization for the cause of Muslim women, who brought the issue
 to the Supreme Court and fought it relentlessly need to be complimented by all civilized citizens of the Country. The Government of India that concurred with the perception of the  petitioners, and the Supreme Court  that nullified the violation of civil rights of a segment of population
contained in this out-dated system, of questionable origin  deserves the gratitude of the Nation.

The fact that  two judges, including  the Chief Justice of India did not perceive the unconstitutionality of Muthalaq, according to the letter of the Constitution, also had sensed its human right violation, makes it a consensus unified judgement, albeit a majority  judgement technically.

Let us hope and wish, all right thinking citizens, across all religious , communal and ideological spectra perceive the national and human significance of this historical judgement, and work together for a genuine secular democratic country.

Jai Bharath, Jai All Bharathians


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