Friday 9 June 2017

The revised liquor policy of LDF Government released on 8th June 2017, yesterday can have far reaching impact on Kerala society.
I have always felt liquor sale outlets are more of a danger to society than pubs and bars, and hence should have been closed first. The availability of alcoholic beverages should be confined to dedicated bars,pubs or taverns  where it can be regulated rationally. Alcohol should not have a place in homes where our children grow, nor in the open society where drunken Behavior can cause inconvenience, distress or not uncommonly even disaster.
There fore, I was not much enthused with closure of bars by previous Government.
I felt indiscriminate ubiquitous drinking would spread, spurious liquor will reign when bars alone are closed. Th ere may not be any  substantial benefit to society.
Let me convey this, my assumptions were wrong. Closure of bars reduced traffic accidents, reduced adolescent fresh drinkers, and above all attenuated the circles of mafia operations around them.
Needless to say the proclaimed abstention from alcoholism, is unworkable without a regulation of access to alcohol.
If the Government has any sincerity in that proclamation, let it close all sale outlets  first and then permit bars pubs etc for authorized ,accountable and regulated drinking.

Bar owners, hoteliers and may be some hospitals too stand to benefit from the reversal of bar closure order. More orthopedic, surgical and neurosurgical cases, thanks to the imminent tide of RTA
In the long run more acute and chronic liver disease. More domestic violence, battered children with broken mind.
Short term fiscal advantage through this liberalized liquor policy is nothing but signing up on behalf of society for its devastation. Who can deny Alcoholism the status of most serious sociomedical menace Pollution of air, water and earth through neglect of waste management is the only other claimant for this status.
A Democratic Government should not forget the children growing up in its jurisdiction, while trying to appease the alcohol consumer and alcohol lobby.
Children are the inevitable casualties in an alcohol-flourishing society.

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