Thursday 29 June 2017

The maltreatment and difficulties faced by Sri T.P.Senkumar when he returned to the DGP post with a landmark Supreme Court judgement, was imaginable to me, as I had faced the same predicament 15 years back as Director of Medical Education in the hands of then UDF Government. My lawful legitimate promotion was initially blocked by the LDF Government of Nayanar, for the sake of a Professor who took M.D 11years after me and had a seniority position far below mine.
At a certain stage of the legal battle, in the Supreme Court, the same
high-cost stalwart lawyers, who opposed Sri. Senkumar's petition were fielded against me by the State Government and the Respondent. However, with an unambiguous judgement in favour of me, the succeeding UDF Government had no option but to promote me as DME. However, with various obstacles my posting was delayed , A second legal battle to expedite my promotion, unlawfully blocked was beyond my means at that time, and I lost about 20 months as DME.
Compelled to post me as DME, I was subjected to many difficulties by the caucus of the Health Minister, steered by political doyens of UDF, and a characterless incompetent Health Secretary and his cronies. Still I could initiate some meaningful steps and projects in 11 months' tenure as DME, thanks to a non-interfering and non-corrupt Chief Minister, and his Principal Secretary, who was a former Health Secretary, and whom I would rate as one of the finest IAS Officers, Kerala has ever had..
Still the going was tough
The torpido and blockade of my promotion was possibly motivated by monetary or other gratifications,. Being non-political and the DME post being less powerful and less in public gaze( as compared to DGP),, the injustice done to me and my struggle and suffering in service, were less in public domain.
The crux of the matter is there is no difference between LDF and UDF Governments, in harassing and persecuting officers who challenge their high-handed unjust intentions and actions.
However, as he exits, hundreds of thousands of discerning justice-loving people in Kerala, would keep Sri. T.P. Senkumar as one of the most honest, upright and humanistic police officers we have ever had..
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.Kindly read the last sentence as,.'...would keep Sri.T.P.Senkumar close to one of the........'

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