Saturday 27 January 2018

IMAGE: The finest contribution of IMA Kerala

As a medical professional and as a citizen, I have been considering  IMAGE
as the most valuable contribution the IMA Kerala State Branch has done  for the people of Kerala. When it was learnt that a new IMAGE Plant is being installed in the district of Thiruvananthapuram to cater to the southern districts,I was all the more gratified and grateful;expecting not just members of IMA, but also the sensible people to welcome the  project.
 I can understand very well, the concerns about ecological and environmental aspects of the land, if genuine, and the need to relocate the plant to more safe place. But condemnation and maligned insinuation that  came up from some quarters and certain Media were disheartening. Worse still,  allegations were floated against the safety and  hygienic standards of the  IMAGE Plant at Palakkad as well.
    Ofcourse, it is gratifying these vicious scandalizing is not catching up.

Recently I happened to meet and discuss with an experienced Hydrologist about the water safety aspects of these plants. He  is familiar with the IMAGE Plant at Palakkad and the water quality of the places around it. He categorically stated that there is absolutely no water contamination generated by the  IMAGE Plant
in the adjoining areas, and all the allegations circulated regarding this is baseless
and unsustained. He  feels, if the Government  finds and allots a suitable site for the the Trivandrum Plant, a similar  safe and well functioning IMAGE Unit can be set up, for the benefit of the people.
Let us hope the intention/commitment of the Government to have such a Plant will materialize fast. At the same time, let us have empathy and understanding about the  apprehension of  common people living in the locality,whose health-needs, safety etc will be  disregarded by authorities.

Few years back, when the controversy and legal battle about the waste Management Plant at Vilappilsala raged wild, I had submitted a detailed proposal  to format the Plant in such a way to assuage the feelings of anguish and apprehension of the local people. The essence of the proposal was to design and run it in such a way that the premises of the Plant itself provides a healthy mileu for the staff, high officials to reside there, and official meetings  are held there regularly. It involves  more expense, operational efficiency and vigil; but would earn the acceptance of people staying in proximity. The rationale for preparing such a scheme was that Centralized Waste Management Plants, which are  imperative, can be made acceptable to local people only when established with such standards. As DME, I have had  experienced stiff resistance and  extreme evasiveness from LSG bodies and Department, regarding removal and management of  biomedical waste from our hospitals- which probably lurked in my mind and motivated.

   This proposal was submitted to the UDF run State Government, LDF run City Corporation, and finally as a humble submission to the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala. As it usually happens in the portals of our Governance, it did not get acknowledged, leave alone considered.

If a suitable site is identified, I hope IMA would take steps to install such a Model  Waste Management Plant- a model for the Country, and posterity.

Former Director of Medical Education, Kerala

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