Wednesday 24 September 2014

Combating the menace of alcoholism-few practical thoughts

Prohibition is impractical and fraught with hazards like illicit liquor, emergence of mafia and the likes. Voluntary abstinence is an utopia. What is to be attempted is effective steps to regulate consumption of alcohol. Regulate means , to regulate the means, the place, the time, the age, quantity of consumption etc. If this is so, the BEVCO outlets needed to be closed first rather than the bars because the consumption in the bars can be monitored much more effectively. The liquor purchased from the outlets can be consumed at homes or anywhere in any quantity,  distributed to anyone and even administered to  children. Hence more dangerous to society.

If controlling the spread and impact of alcoholism in the population in a pragmatic way is the real objective, the BEVCO outlets maybe closed down at 25% every year and the existing bars maybe restructured for controlled drinking from 5 to 10 pm for persons above the age of 25 years for the next 4 years. This would be a practical approach in handling the alcohol menace which undoubtedly is the greatest socio-medical danger in our society in Kerala at present.

1 comment:

  1. Sir,
    It is great you have started the blog on mental helath and showed the way to juniors like me how we can serve the society.
    The article and content are timley and apt and practicable
