Tuesday 17 April 2018

An Old RCC Story

Several Years Back.
Mr. V was a close friend of mine. We shared much common interest in old malayalam film songs. He was a dedicated loving father to his two sons. The  smart younger son was his pride, hope and extension of Self.
Fate was cruel. The boy fell a victim to a highly malignant malady that progressed fast, despite active management at RCC. The parents were broken mentally, exhausted physically. A spell of improvement in the clinical condition enthused them and kindled their hope. When soon afterwards the boy expired, V totally collapsed.  Memory of sitting by his side on those days, silent and helpless still hangs heavy in my mind.
On the third day of that intense grief when V visited me at my home, totally disheveled and exhausted, I was shocked and sad. What he asked me saddened much. He alleged gross neglect at RCC, which took life of his son mercilessly. He narrated his arguments in broken statements. I could not decipher much of it,nor decide the substance or soundness of his arguments.
He said a  Media person, anchoring a popular Talk Show in a leading TV Channel, urges him to appear in the Show to expose the injustice and gross negligence that happened at RCC. He wanted me to participate in the program and support him, as proposed by the Media magnet.
I had much difficulty in conveying to him, that he should file a complaint to the Government on the matter, but avoid participating in a program that would tarnish the image of RCC, which has had helped, and been helping, so many patients and families. With much difficulty, I could convince him on my point that we should desist from maligning an institution or organization that does service to public,even at time of personal loss and sorrow. I offered to assist and accompany him to present his grievance against RCC, but explained my inability to take part in the proposed Talk Show.
 Slowly he started seeing sense in what I said and backed out of the TV program. However, the Media person got irritated and set on a scandalizing spree against me for some time.
The present controversy about death of the doctor.patient brings back the incident,just narrated sharp in my mind.
Meaning, Message of this experience of mine, I leave for readers to derive.
Dr. Kumar. K. A